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Written by Brother David L. Gray (1995)

Past Master � Wilberforce Lodge #21 F&AM (Xenia, OH)

Past High Priest � Lincoln Chapter #2 RAM (Xenia, OH)


The Triangle or Delta or Pyramid are also emblems and structures of Geometry. The Triangle is used in every degree of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite uses the Triangle in the Ineffable, Ancient Historical, Traditional, Apocalyptic, Christian, Modern Historical, Chivalric, Philosophical, and Official Grades. They use the Triangle in the forms of jewels, furniture, aprons, grips, signs, emblems, and more especially they use the triad when explaining the YOD. The Royal Arch, and the Royal & Select Council uses the Triangle for the exact same reason as mentioned in the Scottish Rite. The Order of Knights Templar sits in the presence of the Triangle, and the Eminent Commander is represented by three. The Order of the Eastern Star uses the Triangle as a sign, and the emblem of the Eastern Star has on it five Triangles. The Shrine uses the Pyramid for other purposes.


The Triad is also present in the Blue Lodge, but very hidden. The Triangle lies within the square and compass. It�s possible that the initiators behind the square and compass as the emblem of the craft thought that a society or fraternity using the true craft symbol would be viewed under scrutiny, or fail to attract a certain creed of man.


The true hidden emblem of Freemasonry is the Seal of Solomon, or the Star of David which strongly resemble on another (DIAGRAM ONE). The Seal of Solomon was a symbol well known to and holding special meaning for the Knight of the Temple of Solomon.


The Seal of Solomon consist of two Triangles connected with one Triangle pointing up, and the other pointing down. The Triangle on the top represents the Most High God, while the Triangle on the bottom represents Man. These upper and lower Triangles further allude to "Man made in the image of God." The middle section between both represents man�s connection with God (DIAGRAM TWO). The connection between God and Man is the word � The true or ineffable name of the Most High God.


The real name of the Most High God was always passed on through time to those who had the most intimate connection with God and with the inception of Judaism the word was passed on the High Priest to High Priest, so it is written. If Jescua Hammassiah was the last mortal man to have such an intimate connection with the Most High God, then the word was lost at his death. Hence the Seal of Solomon could no longer be used, since there was no connection or direct line of communication between God and Man. This in turn lead to the creation of seventy three worldly substitute words for the real name of the Most High, and therefore a substitute emblem also became necessary to replace the Seal of Solomon.


The inner parallel lines which held the connection together ceased to exist once the word was lost and left two angles of 90 degrees each, with one leg of each of the upper portion resting upon the lower (DIAGRAM THREE). The angle on top is still representative of the Most High God, and God being responsible for mans actions, and creating the laws to keep man within his bounds becomes the compass. A compass to lay a circle of morals, and laws which no good man can venture out. The lower angle is still representative of man who stays the same � A 90 degree square, and obedient to God.


The Entered Apprentice just initiated and born into the Order is still ignorant and unknowing to the laws of the G.A.O.T.U., therefore the lower square (man) lays on top of the Compass (God).


The Entered Apprentice in his rude and ignorant state is unable to stay within the bounds of all mankind (the circle made by the compass), because at this point the bounds have not been made clear to him.


The Fellow Craft who takes the obligation at the alter, sees that one point of the compass is elevated above the square. This elevation is to signify that he has received light in Freemasonry by points, and that one half of him has made progress in the ways of God.. That one half represents his morals, and all he has left to complete is his spiritual connection � Being united with the Most High.


The Master Mason has become one with the Most High, yet obedient to. For the Most High has encompassed man with laws and strengthened man with knowledge, therefore both points of the compass are elevated above the square.


This is just part of the explanation of the Masonic emblem, and just a small reason why we use the Triangle. As we modern Freemasons wear the Masonic emblem, so did King Solomon, the High Priest of the Temple, and the workmen of the Temple wear the Seal of Solomon.


The "G" within the S&C is not Universal, so it won�t be covered here, but in my paper called Gomer, Oz and Dabar, I talk extensively about it.


In the Royal Arch emblem we find a similar hidden historical meaning. The Royal Arch emblem has within it three "T�s", united together, which are called the Triple Tau. These three "T�s" are inside a Triangle, which is within a circle (DIAGRAM FIVE).




The outer circle still represents the Most High God circumscribing the bounds of man to live within. The Triangle within was taken from the previous connection and it still is representative of God, but inside this Triangle is the Triple Tau. These three "T�s" allude to the Ineffable Word, which is Tetragrammaton. The Three "T�s" are representative of the three "T�s" in the Word Tetragrammaton.


The Royal Arch Mason is suppose to have found the lost word, which is spelled in English � Tetragrammaton. The Tripple Tau within the Triangle alludes to a connection reborn, stronger and everlasting. Tetragrammaton is so called from the two Greek words TETRA � four, and GRAMMA � letter, which in essence signifies the four lettered word. It is applied only to the Hebrew name of Deity (Jehovah), and not being used in connection with other words.


That explanation is only for the Royal Arch Mason.


The explanation for those of us who strive to be Spiritually, Physically, and Mentally perfect, and become one with the Most High God, the explanation is thus: This "T" in which I allude to, is not to be confused with the English letter "T". The Triple Tau, and the three "T�s" in the Tetragrammaton allude to the three stages in life within the mind, which are youth, manhood and old age. The or Tau Cross is an ancient symbol of the continuing of eternal life. The vertical line represents the inner nature of the individual intelligence, or the untamed elements (Spiritual, Physical and Mental).


The cross bar in the beginning is at the bottom , and as life continues on through obstructions and temptation to the right way of living are gradually overcome. When the cross bar has risen three quarters , the individual intelligence, or mind has accomplished life, and worked out its own salvation. When the cross bar is at the top , the Soul of his own individual intelligence, independent of its physical body, assures man of the on-going or eternal life, symbolized by the circle added to the Tau cross. The three within the circle symbolize all three elements of man, which are Spiritual, Physical and Mental � made Godlike . These perfect elements are put within the Triangle to symbolize that whosoever accomplished this has escaped his human confinement, and becoming one with the Most High God. The circle around the Triangle is to symbolize that he is now able to continue eternally � Godlike.


Seven is ending and completion�������..