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  • G omer, O z, D abar


    By Brother David L. Gray (12/12/1999)

    Past Master

    Wilberforce Lodge #21 F&AM PHA

    Xenia, Ohio


    Gomer, Oz, and Dabar (G.O.D.) are Hebrew Words that translate into Wisdom, Strength and Beauty respectively.



    Hebrew, Greek and

    Samaritan Alphabets


















    17 (8)





    91 (10)





    12 (3)



    17 = (1+7) = 8

    77 (7+7=14|1+4) = 5

    26 (2+6) = 8

    21 (2+1) =3

    120 (1+2+0) = 3

    21 (2+1) = 3


    Fascinating how that all worked out isn�t it? If you know the significance of the numeral three, then there is nothing left to talk about here, but enclosed below is a bunch of rhetoric to entertain you. If Freemasons were to use ANY letter to distinguish itself, then it could not have chosen any other letter than that of the perfect one of "G".


    One interesting thing to point out is the frequency to the numeral eight. The Masonic Ritual is always accused by zealous Christians of being Anti-Christian because in its� current state, does not mention the name of Jesus Christ in the majority of Craft Degree Rituals. Freemasonry wasn�t called a Beautiful System of Morality, Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Signs and Symbols for nothing.


    Freemasonry should not cater to any one religion, for it is composed of men and women of all different sects, religions and opinions. Although, even with that theme, that has held this August body together for centuries the religious undertones exist in every Masonic Ritual. The First Three Degrees and the York Rite Degree are Judaic in ceremony and since Christianity derived from Judaism, it is also Christianic. More than that, the Zealous Christian Anti-Mason misses a world of symbolism. One has to live Freemasonry to understand it. The Lamb Skin Apron, The Bearer of Burden, The whole theme of the Third Degree all relate to the life of Jesus Christ. More than that there is the number eight. The ancient Qabbalist said Jesus Christ represented the number eight. In Qabbalism, there is no higher number than ten, and ten is the number of the Most High.


    Another interesting thing to note here is that while G is numerically equivalent to 3 in all the older languages, it has a value of 7 (seventh letter of the alphabet) in the English language.


    Dr. Paul Foster Case ("The Masonic Letter G", 1981) informs us that Freemasonry cannot be fully understood without some acquaintance with the Hebrew system of occult philosophy know as the Qabalah. Dr. Case of the founder of "The Builder of the Adytum", and author of several books. Below is a portion taken from "The Masonic Letter G."


    'Qabalists use a tree, known as the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life consist of ten circles, connected by twenty-two lines. The circles represent ten aspects or phases of Divine Emanation. They are numbered from 1 to 10, and are called Sephiroth, or Numeration's. The Twenty-two lines which link these then circles to one another are said to represent the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the forces corresponding to those letters. The whole tree, with it then numbers and twenty-two letters, represent the thirty-two paths of wisdom. Qabalist regard it as being of suck importance that they declare it to be the "Key to All Things." Dr. Case goes on to say, "This devise came into use among the Hebrews and the Greeks, because when the Bible was composed, neither nation knew anything of Arabic numerals, They employed the letter of their alphabets to represent numbers."


    Dr. Cases uses the Tree of Life and the Hebrew and Greek languages to explain why Freemasons use such a new and un-universal letter as "G" to put within the S&Q. Dr. Case explains thusly, "...in Hebrew and Greek, as we have shown, the letter corresponding to G have each the value of 3, but in English, G is the seventh letter. Thus it represent both the triple force and the seven stages of it sublimation. Hence, it corresponds also to the digits 73, signifying Chokmah, wisdom developed from the seed of Chasah, trust, and constituting Gawmal the recompense which is the Master's wage of those who ravel East on the camel (Gimel) of earnest endeavor. As the only English letter which can represent both 3 and 7, it combines the value of the Hebrew YOD. Thus it seems to us to be a perfect Masonic symbol


    Having given that background we can now start the rest. Below is an edited version of a lecture concerning the number 10, I wrote about 4 years ago.


    The number 3-5-7 has long been venerated among Freemasons, and for good reasons. Although, the number fives does not have much significance, if we speak in terms of our lodge rituals. In the Blue Lodge Degrees we only use the number five when we are speaking of the five orders of pillars, but only three of the pillars we concern ourselves with. There are the fives senses, but a FM only needs three.


    The number fives seems to be just a medium or passing between the beginning and the end. This discovery leaves us with the number 3 & 7. As I have explained earlier in the paper, and as Dr. Case in the book, "The Masonic Letter "G", has explained, 3 and 7 combines to (73) in itself the two significant numbers whose sum is 10, which is the value of the Hebrew "YOD".


    The number 3 is heavily used in the 1st Degree, just as the number 7 is used in the Royal Arch Degree. These numbers signify the beginning and the end of life. It is now proper to mention that the number 3 is often used in the first book of the Holy Bible (Genesis) - Just as it is proper to mention, the number 7 is heavily used in the last book of the Holy Bible (Revelation).


    Three is the most mentioned and significant number in the Holy Bible. In the "Guild to the Royal Arch Chapter", by John Sheville and James L. Gould, we read, "The number three was a symbol of marriage, friendship, and peace, because it was said to unite contraries; it was also an emblem of wisdom and prudence, because men are said to order the present, foresee the future, and learn experience from the past. Its' influence was said to extend to all nature, embracing the birth, life, and death of men and all living things, the commencement, middle and end of all earthly matters, and the past, present, and future of universal space. In the same way, the universe was divided into three zones, the Earth, air, and rest." Even though the number 3 is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Bible, its' roots are in the beginning of the Bible where the seed of the universe and man was planted.


    In the beginning there we some very significant three's that shaped the destiny of the Earth and Man. In three days God created the Heaven and the Earth. God created three great lights in the firmament of the heaven (Sun, Moon, and Stars) to divide the day from the night, to be a sign for the changing of season, days, and years. God created the three Earthly living things (Creatures, Man and Woman). Adam had three sons (Cain, Able, and Seth). Immediately in Genesis we read of the "Three First"; The first Sabbath, the first Curse, and the first Murder. Noah had three sons, (Shem, Ham, Japheth). Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were particularly blessed by God. These seven events in the beginning of Earth�s time shaped the destiny of Man. It is no wonder that as we were shaped by 3 in the beginning, that we would also either be blessed or cursed by 7 in the end.


    The number 7 in Revelation is so often mentioned it is scary. The person who reads the book of Revelation with an open mind has to come to the conclusion that represents the END of the Earth as we know it. Revelation 2:1, "Unto the angle of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; ...(Rev 2:7). He that hath an ear let him hear the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the middle of the paradise of God." These Churches John is referring to is the "Seven Churches" of the Earth which are; The Churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.


    What we read next in Revelation is a passage concerning the Seven Spirit of God, which allude to the Book with Seven Seals. REV 5:4,5,6, "And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to pen the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beast, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the Earth." The book of Revelations refers to Jesus as the Lamb, and this portion of Revelation deals with the preparing of the second coming of Jesus. John goes on to tell of how the Host adored the Lamb, and the terror attending the opening of the seals. Each of the first four seals opened contained a beast, each with a specific job sent forth by the Most High to set havoc upon the world.


    The fifth seal contained the souls of them that were slain for the word of the Most High God, and for the testimony which they held. REV 6:12,13 "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as a sackcloth of hair, and the moon became blood, and the stars of heaven fell unto the Earth, even as a fig tree casteth untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind." The sixth seal is the final preparation of the Earth before the arrival of Jesus. Before the last seal is opened the children of the 12 Tribes of Israel must be taken off the Earth, because they must not suffer (REV 7:4-8). REV 8:1,2 "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half and hour. And I saw the seven angles which stood before God; and to them were seven trumpets."


    Each of the first four Angles Down represent some form of Fire. REV 11:15, "And the seventh angle sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The Kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." Form the last trumpet to the next time seven is mentioned represents the last days of earth before the arrival of Jesus. Rev 12, "And I saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous, seven angles having the last seven plagues; for in them is filled up the wraith of God." After destroying the Beast, the Angels will use these plagues to follow the Divine Command of the Most High God - Destroying all of which is on Earth that is not righteous.


    The last time seven is mentioned is after the sudden Coming and Armageddon, when referring to the "Woman on the Seven Hills".


    It is purely evident, and clear that the number 7 refers to the end of our days. A curse for some and a blessing for others. As we have seen in Genesis no number is more befitting to the beginning than the number 3. Individually these numbers are great, alluding to the beginning and the end. Together as 10 they are greater - Alluding to the Most High God - Who is himself the Alpha and Omega..