The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society (CHWMRS) was an International Masonic Research Society which seeks to educate Prince Hall Freemasons about Prince Hall and Universal Freemasonry and Universal Freemasonry about Prince Hall Freemasonry.

The Society's membership was composed of regular Freemasons throughout the world. Their subjects of study and research also cover a wide range of interest and issues. The Society's core research discipline is focused on analyzing, researching and solving key issues in Freemasonry and can be applied to the Prince Hall Masonic Order.

The Society was Established with Three Aims:

  1. Foster Masonic Research amongst Prince Hall Freemasons.
  2. Educate Freemasons and primarily Prince Hall Freemasons about Prince Hall and Universal Freemasonry.
  3. Encourage the ‘Thought’ process within all Freemasons.

    The President’s Thoughts

    Happy 2002!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the CHWMRS for all of their hard work and dedication. 2002 will be a year that will see the society expand its role in research and present to the Craft good Masonic edification. We are still in the process of planning our first Masonic Think Tank. This will be an item on the general meeting in February.


    While doing research for my article in this month’s issue, I came across some fascinating information. Apparently during the early 1900s, there was an effort made by all of the Prince Hall Masonic Jurisdictions to have one standard ritual. In 1915, P.G.M. Corey Adams of Ohio, was the chairman of the committee set up by the International Conference of Grand Masters, Past Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries. The committee was charged with studying all of the rituals that was at use during that period, and developing one ritual. Evidently during this time, many Jurisdictions did not mandate which Masonic ritual subordinate Lodges were to use. This led to a lot of confusion not only in that particular Jurisdiction but throughout the country. In August, 1916, the International Conference of Grand Masters, Past Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries approved the committee’s ritual for use by all Jurisdictions. I will continue to research this event because as we know today, various rituals are used by different Jurisdictions.


    Take care Brethren and have a prosperous new year.


    Teach Masonry!


    I remain,

    Fraternally Yours

    Antonio O. Caffey

    President -

    Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society




    The Masonic Voice
























    67, 82














    76-77, 82




    The President’s Thoughts

    The Editor’s Desk

    The Mouth to Ear

    The Wesley Room

    "The Real Issue!!! – Interview with the Commission on Bogus Masonic Practices



    Our Emblematic Star

    - by Elmyra Jemison

    The Preponderance of Life & Death

    - by David L. Gray



    Contemplation of Origins & Antiquity – Part I of II

    - by Lanier A. Watkins

    Time to Upgrade Prince Hall Freemasonry

    - by Dr. Brock H. Winters

    Consideration of Light – Part II of II

    - by Dr. Rashied Bey

    A Master’s Clock

    - by Dr. William A. Gaspar



    Golden Age of Prince Hall Freemasonry in Ohio

    . . . 1906-1917

    - by Antonio O. Caffey




    The Editor’s Desk

    This Volume One – Issue Four, concludes the final issue of the Masonic Voice Magazine for 2001. The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society embarked this year by promising that our official organ would provide our readers with though provoking, educational and balanced articles. I hope we’ve kept that promise!


    In our second year, we hope to continue to publish original articles by some of the brightest thinkers in Freemasonry - that will produce thought transferred into action that will improve our fraternity. We’ll continue to focus on the written content of the magazine, versus giving you pages of pictures and filler material. In 2002 we will also continue relaying the tales of our fictional Social Lodge No. 73, which was replaced this issue by another great Masonic Fictional in ‘A Master’s Clock’, by William A Gasper.


    You’ll notice a thinner grade of paper used in this issue, as compared to those previous. This grade is suppose to be easier on our printers and cost less to mail – but still maintain an equal gloss and sustaining the overall print quality of the magazine. Let us know if you prefer the thicker grade.


    This months’ ‘Wesley Room’ is dedicated to the very serious problem that Prince Hall Freemasonry is having with predominantly Black Irregular Grand Lodges in the United States. In the bulk of that section you will read an interview with the Commission on Bogus Practices of the Phylaxis Society. The crux of this problem is the lack of education amongst those in the Prince Hall Family and Society. There’s a lot of rhetoric and double talk going on about these groups, especially in the internet email groups and chat boards. We’ll cut through the spin and discuss the Real Issue.



    David L. Gray, Editor

    The Mouth To Ear

    On Nov. 10, 2001, the Grand Lodge of Virginia by a decisive vote adopted a resolution to extend "limited fraternal recognition" to, and "recognize as regular" the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia. This resolution did NOT permit visitation between the two bodies. The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia has not reciprocated the vote by recognizing the Grand Lodge of Virginia as regular yet.


    The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio has been in contact with the seven regular Grand Lodge of Australia and New Zealand this year to establish fraternal relations with them, thereby enabling legal visitation by Ohio Prince Hall Masons traveling in Australia and vice-versa. To-date the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio has received letters of recognition from the Grand Lodges of Western Australia and Queensland. While the Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory (the Association) carried an amendment to their constitution permit any Prince Hall Mason to visit lodges of the Association, provided he produces proof of good standing in a lodge warranted [chartered] by a Grand Lodge of Prince Hall Affiliation, and passes the tests usually imposed on an unknown visitor to prove that he is a Mason, regardless of whether his Grand Lodge has been recognized by the Association.


    We’d like to welcome our new Research Members into the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society. They are Jimmie Johnson {RM10}, PM of Edward Dugger Jr. Military Lodge No. 123 (Xenia, OH) and Frederick Stroud {RM11} of Union Lodge No. 21 (Troy, OH). Our Associate Research members are Joe Snow {ARM15}, WM of Eureka Lodge No. 1 (MWPHGL of GA) and Dr. Brock H. Winters {ARM16} currently living in Ohio, unattached on demit, but raised in Alpha Lodge No. 17 (GL of NJ) and on demit from St. Cyprian Lodge No. 13 (MWPHGL of PA). All new members have come with vast Masonic and Professional credentials that are assured assist us in our cause.


    We also extend our heartfelt congratulations and well wishes to Associate Research Members Ezekiel Bey {CARM6} and Joe Snow {ARM15} who have been elected as Worshipful Masters of Cornerstone Lodge No. 37 (MWPHGL of NY) and Eureka Lodge No. 1 (MWPHGL of GA) respectively.