The Society's membership was composed of regular Freemasons throughout the world. Their subjects of study and research also cover a wide range of interest and issues. The Society's core research discipline is focused on analyzing, researching and solving key issues in Freemasonry and can be applied to the Prince Hall Masonic Order.
The Society was Established with Three Aims:
The Masonic Voice … the
Instructive Tongue of Masonic Thoughts Published by the Dr. Charles
H. Wesley Masonic Research Society at Wilberforce, Ohio (USA) The Masonic Voice is the
official publication of the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research
Society. Any article
appearing in this publication expresses only the opinion of the writer,
and does not reflect the official position of the Dr. Charles H. Wesley
Masonic Research Society.
The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society does not speak for
Freemasonry, or any Masonic Order or Body. Membership into the Dr.
Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society is by Invitation Only. Classes of Membership are Research
Member and Associate Research Member.
All rights reserved. No part or parts of this
publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without the written permission from the editor.
Greetings, After the publishing of our first
issue, we received a tremendous response from the Craft. We knew the
Brethren would be interested in this subject matter, and the reaction
has been great. I would
personally like to thank the members of the C.H.W.M.R.S. for their hard
work and dedication. Good
Masonic education is our goal, and with continued diligence, we will
achieve it. Brethren are
beginning to work on research projects for the betterment of the Craft. We are also looking into creating
Masonic leadership and educational courses.
The first annual Masonic
Think Tank is also being planned.
In order to fully realize the society’s goals, we must continue to work
in the name of Masonic education.
I feel confident that we will reach our objectives and grow. While reading H.L. Haywood’s Newly-Made Mason (for the
thousandth time), I came across my favorite quote: “For in the very moment of
becoming a Mason he becomes the friend of thousands of men in his own
community or state and of millions of men in the world who already are
sworn to be in friendship with him; he has never met them, he is not
acquainted with them, he does not even know their names, but he has
millions of acquaintances whom he has never seen, and whenever he meets
a Mason and introduces himself as a Mason he will find himself in a land
of amicable fellowship which was already there before he came-for it to
be there is one of the things that is meant by being a Mason.” That is the power of Freemasonry, an
ancient art that can bring strangers together, and make them Brethren. A system that can give meaning and
purpose to one’s life. And,
an educational system that has no limitations. TEACH
MASONRY! I remain, Fraternally Yours
Antonio O. Caffey Antonio O. Caffey, President - Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society
23 24 24 25, 32-34 30 33 27 28 35-36 26 29 31 39 37-38
The Editor’s Desk The Mouth to Ear EDUCATION: The Editor’s Desk
We are astounded by the early success that The Masonic Voice is
having, especially here in Ohio.
We knew that it would do well outside the state and in the
Mainstream Masonic Circles, but it’s great to know that Prince Hall
Masons in Ohio are interested about Prince Hall Freemasonry in Ohio.
The types of articles, issues and writing styles
you’ll find in this second issue of The Masonic Voice will
be fairly typical of the types of articles and subjects you’ll find
being presented in future issues.
We’ve been informed by Brother Richard Num, a
member of our Board of Directors, that some years ago the Australian
Brethren responsible for the conduct of fraternal relations between
Grand Lodges wrote to various of the Prince Hall Grand Lodges
seeking to establish dialogue, with a view to establishing fraternal
relations. He was told that they felt slighted to receive no replies
from the majority of Grand Lodges approached. They did receive some
positive replies, and a few negative replies. Apparently now, at senior levels, there is a general
feeling that Prince Hall Grand Lodges are not interested in
establishing fraternal relations and exchanging representatives. We have dedicated this Quarter’s Wesley Room, which
is reserved for news relevant to this Society and matters vital to
Prince Hall Freemasonry, to this subject. Hopefully through education
about the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Jurisdictions, more
Prince Hall Grand Lodges will met the Australians & New Zealanders
extended hand, and allow Prince Hall Freemasons to enjoy Masonic
Benefits in these Jurisdictions. Enjoy! David L. Gray, Editor The Mouth To Ear
On March 3, 2001 – at the Annual Session of the
Phylaxis Society in Atlanta, Georgia – Five Prince Hall Grand
Masters, representing the Jurisdictions of Alabama, Arkansas,
Oklahoma, Minnesota and Colorado and it’s Jurisdictions (Wyoming &
Utah) joined with representatives from the M.W. National Grand Lodge
– Free & Accepted Ancient York Rite Masons - Prince Hall Origin,
National Compact, U.S.A. to adopt a “DRAFT” of a Resolution which
will function to Recognize the “EXISTENCE” of each other.
The President of the Prince Hall Grand Masters Conference, Deary
Vaughn (Oklahoma) said he would present this draft resolution at the
Prince Hall Grand Masters Conference from May 8th to 12th
in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
We have published an article in this issue to highlight the
history of the National Grand Lodge/Compact. This article is ONLY a historical recap, and does not speak for any position that
the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society may hold about
the said Resolution or the Regularity of the modern day National
Grand Lodge. * * * * * * * On March 16th, 2001 - the Grand Council
of Cryptic Masons of the District of Columbia voted overwhelmingly
to recognize the Prince Hall Grand Council of Royal and Select
Masters of the District of Columbia.
Previously, in 1999 the two Grand Lodges entered into mutual
recognition, and in 2000 the two Grand Chapters of Royal Arch Masons
in Washington D.C. entered into mutual recognition. * * * * * * * The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society
is excited to announce that Bro. Ralph L. McNeal Jr., who is a
member of our Board of Directors, was honored by the Phylaxis
Society at their 2001 Session, by receiving their prestigious John J. Lewis Jr. Medal of
Excellence. This award
is granted annually by the Phylaxis Society to the most Outstanding
Master Mason(s) in Prince Hall Freemasonry. In 1986 Bro. McNeal
petitioned San Vito Military Lodge No. 37, under the jurisdiction of
The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Delaware. He demitted in 1991 to
Lincoln Lodge No. 62 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, where he served as
Worshipful Master from 1997 to 1999 and is presently a member of
Martin Luther King Lodge No. 29 (Chandler, AZ). Bro. McNeal was coronated a Honorary 33rd Mason
(SJ) in Washington, D.C. in 1997.
He is a member of “1996 Who is Who in Freemasonry ”,
and serves on the Board of Directors for the Scottish Rite
Institute, P.H.A (Charter Member of the same), and is the Southwest
correspondent for the Masonic Globe Magazine. He is also a member of the
Phylaxis Societies “100+ Most Influential Prince Hall Masons”. |