The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society (CHWMRS) was an International Masonic Research Society which seeks to educate Prince Hall Freemasons about Prince Hall and Universal Freemasonry and Universal Freemasonry about Prince Hall Freemasonry.

The Society's membership was composed of regular Freemasons throughout the world. Their subjects of study and research also cover a wide range of interest and issues. The Society's core research discipline is focused on analyzing, researching and solving key issues in Freemasonry and can be applied to the Prince Hall Masonic Order.

The Society was Established with Three Aims:

  1. Foster Masonic Research amongst Prince Hall Freemasons.
  2. Educate Freemasons and primarily Prince Hall Freemasons about Prince Hall and Universal Freemasonry.
  3. Encourage the ‘Thought’ process within all Freemasons.

    The President’s Thoughts


    The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society truly stands on the shoulders of our research ancestors. Many have laid the foundation upon which we now find ourselves standing upon. The need for good and wholesome research into Prince Hall Freemasonry was first delved into by Bro. Martin Delany with The ‘Origin and Objects of Ancient Freemasonry; Its Introduction into the United States and Legitimacy Among Colored Men’, which was published in 1853. Bro. Samuel Clark of the M.W.P.H.G.L. of Ohio, published his ‘Negro Mason in Equity’, which was included in the Grand Lodge proceedings in 1866. This was later put into pamphlet form and distributed throughout the country. Then we have Bro. William Upton's book and Bro. William H. Grimshaw's ‘Official History of Freemasonry Among the Colored People in North America’. At the time this book was published, it was believed to be the true and accurate history of Prince Hall Freemasonry in America. Many books that were published concerning Prince Hall Freemasonry after this book, quoted from Grimshaw's work. As we now know, there were many errors in this book and thus many others that relied on this inaccurate research.


    Several Prince Hall Grand Lodges placed their history in book form. Bro. William H. Parham and Bro. Jeremiah A. Brown wrote ‘An Official History of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons for the State of Ohio in 1906’. In 1957, ‘Footprints of Prince Hall Masonry in New Jersey’ was written by Bro. Aldrage B. Cooper. Dr. Charles H. Wesley wrote, ‘The History of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Ohio 1849-1971’.


    Books were not the only way Prince Hall Masons shared their research with the Masonic world. In 1943, Prince Hall Freemasonry had its first Lodge of Research formed in the jurisdiction of New York. Bro. Harry A. Williamson along with others formed this Lodge of Research, which was called "PHLORONY." Thirty years later, Bro. Joseph A. Walkes, Jr. along with active and retired U.S. Military Personnel formed the Phylaxis Society. This Research society would for years be the leading voice in Prince Hall Freemasonry and would help start the process of Masonic recognition of Prince Hall Freemasonry.


    We now find ourselves in a new age of Prince Hall Research. The Majority of books that were published concerning the Craft, dealt with the legitimacy of Prince Hall Freemasonry. We now find Brothers researching other subjects relating to universal Masonry. With the advent of the Internet and e-mail, we now have many online Masonic Research lists that continue to spread the Light. Our research forefathers would be welled pleased.


    Teach Masonry!


    I remain,

    Fraternally Yours

    Antonio O. Caffey

    President - Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society

    The Masonic Voice




















































    The President’s Thoughts


    The Editor’s Desk


    The Mouth to Ear


    The Wesley Room

    “What Does Generation X Want Out of Freemasonry?” (Part I – Introduction)





    Bert Williams … Performer and Freemason

    By Daniel L. Matthews


    Why Ethiopia?

    By Earl D. Harris


    The Masonic Globe . . . a year later

    By Alton G. Roundtree





    Education for People Unaware

    By Ezekiel M. Bey


    Social Lodge No. 73

    “The Necessities Of”


    Freemasonry in Crisis?

    By David L. Gray


    The Benefits of Dual/Plural Members

    By Dr. Brock H. Winters





    Preston’s Illustrations of Masonry CD





    The Secretary/Editor’s Desk


    Welcome to the first issue of the Masonic Voice Magazine for 2002!  We were happy to discover and excited to announce that we are boasting nearly a 99% return on Affiliate Research Members who receive this magazine. I hope that means our members are enjoying their publication here and not simply pandering to us as this years charity case, but that would also be acceptable


    Over the next two issue’s the ‘Wesley Room’ will feature the results of a poll taken online with a population of Freemasons who fit into the so-called ‘Generation X’ box.  We asked them many questions concerning their expectations of Freemasonry.  This is the type of feedback we need to hear so we can better fit our institution for the future.  Dr. Brock H. Winters and myself completed the work on this piece.


    I’d like to thank everyone who submitted original research to this issue, especially Associate Research Member Daniel L. Matthews, who presents to us a wonderful biography of a Brother whom many have never heard of.


    If you would like to receive back issues of the magazine to distribute and promote at your meetings, please contact me and I’ll mail them to you - at no cost.  We have issues Two and Four of 2001 available for promotion.



    David L. Gray, Editor


    The Mouth To Ear


    Due, in great part, to the hard work and vision of Most Worshipful Grand Master Sidney D. Broadnax Sr. (MWPHGL of Ohio) and Right Worshipful Bro Murray L. Yaxley, PDGM; GMOH of the Grand Lodge of Tasmania, as of late February 2002, the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio is in full amity and recognition with all seven regular Grand Lodge in Australia and New Zealand.  According to the research complied at http://www.bessel.org/pha.htm, this would be the first PH Grand Lodge to accomplish the feat of entering into fraternal relations with all seven.  In the Second Quarter Masonic Voice of 2001, we published an article by Tony Pope that was entitled, ‘Why Bother with Overseas Recognition’.  We hope other Prince Hall Grand Masters also read that article and be encouraged to allow their members the opportunity to travel as a regular Freemasons and be able to be received as such anywhere in the world, and to also empower their lodges to have the privilege of welcoming into their Lodge Halls, Brothers from all regular Masonic jurisdictions.


    In a historic precedent set by a Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Most Worshipful Grand Master Sidney D. Broadnax Jr. of Ohio, announced that due to ‘uncertain economic and environmental conditions’, that the Ohio Prince Hall Grand Lodge will NOT hold it’s annual session in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio in August of 2002 as scheduled.  Various local groups have issued an economic boycott on the city of Cincinnati stemming from the killing of an unarmed Black male by a police officer in 2001, which lead to riots, curfews and increased racial tension in the southwest Ohio city.  Grand Master Broadnax made it clear that his Grand Lodge was not under any circumstances honoring or supporting any boycotts, but only respecting the interest and welfare of the nearly 5,000 Freemasons under his jurisdiction.  The Annual Session has been relocated to be held in the Capitol city of Columbus, Ohio.


    The Annual Meeting of the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society was held March 9th, 2002 in the City of Columbus, Ohio.  All officers were re-elected for another term and Jimmie E. Johnson (RM10) was appointed as Associate Editor.  Dr. William A Gasper {ARM17} (New Mexico) and Emanuel J. Stanley {ARM18} (Maryland) were accepted as new Associate Research Members of the society.


    You heard it here first!  Word has it that Prince Hall Freemasonry will have its FIRST and ONLY Lodge of Research in nearly half a century sometime this summer.  The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society wishes you all our best and will aid and assist you however we can!  We can’t wait to announce your coming out!