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Social Lodge No. 73
"Worshipful Master, that concludes the examination of the Entered
Apprentice Degree." said Brother Leslie Smith, who is the seasoned
Senior Deacon of Social Lodge, as he firmly struck his rod to the
"Brothers you heard the Entered Apprentice proficiency coming from
Brother Wilbon. What's your pleasure?" asked Worshipful Master Jim
Taylor, who was beginning his second year as Master.
There were sprinklings of miscellaneous mummers and grunts in the
room, as there seemed to be some hesitation by those present to make
a motion. Finally Past Master Potter slowly rose from behind his
Treasurers' desk. "Worshipful Master, I move that the proficiency
coming from Brother Wilbon be accepted and that he be passed to the
Fellow Craft Degree."
"I second that motion!" said Wilt Clayborn lazily, barely picking
his butt out the seat and saluting in a crouch.
"It has been properly moved and seconded that we accept the
proficiency of our Entered Apprentice Brother Wilbon. Are there any
questions or comments to the motion?"
You would have thought someone shouted 'free money' as nearly half
the forty-four members in attendances started to jump to their feet,
but resigned as Past Master Guy Adams received the recognition of
the Worshipful Master,
"Now mind you Worshipful Master, I thoroughly respect my two
Brothers who made and seconded the motion to accept this
proficiency, but I can't imagine what's running through their heads!
In all my years of Masonry, never have I heard such a piss poor
proficiency with obvious mediocre zeal coming from the candidate in
question. I think I speak for the majority of Brothers present when
I say, we can't lower our expectations and let this man be passed to
the next degree!"
Past Master Guy Adams is a fifty-four year member of Social Lodge,
and has served the jurisdiction in several capacities during those
years, including as Grand Master. He is a widowed father of seven
daughters, and is the father-in-law to the Worshipful Master.
"Brothers", said Potter as he gave he gave proper notice to the
Worshipful Master, "Don't get me wrong, I know the standards and
expectations that our lodge has set and I'm not pandering to
mediocrity, but Brother Wilbon is a bit older than our usual new
members and could we really expect him to remember all the answers
to the questions, as well as the obligation? Because he stumbled and
needed occasional prompting does that mean he won't be as a good as
a Freemason as you? Because he can't memorize and be the perfect
parrot as well as all of you, does that mean he won't exercise
Brother Love, Relief and Truth? Does it mean he won't understand the
deeper meanings of the ritual? Does it mean he won't answer your
sign or call for distress? Is making the perfect parrot what
Freemasonry is all about? What is the true necessity? Parroting the
Obligation or upholding the Obligation? You tell me!"
Potter continues, "Brother Adams, you seem to forget that we were
made in this lodge together and if I recall correctly, your Master
Mason proficiency wasn't all that well parroted because you were
thoroughly distracted due to the fact that you were about to depart
for the war, but it was accepted. Watch where you throw those stones
Adams remained seated behind the Worshipful Master shaking his head
in a fraternal disgust as a deaf silence sat over the lodge room.
"Worshipful Master", said Past Master Samuel Walker, "Before you
continue to vote on the said motion let me say this. I truly
understand where Brother Potter is coming from. I really do, but we
also know that our Grand Lodge constitution says that the candidate
for degrees in Masonry in this jurisdiction must provide suitable
proficiency before being passed to the next degree. This proficiency
was not suitable regardless of the necessities of whether parroting
makes a good Mason or not!"
While seated Past Master Sephous Jackson blurted out in his slow
southern slur, "Well … when I was coming through in Alabama, if I
gave a proficiency like that, I wouldn't have be invited back to
come try it again!"
'Uh Huns', 'Yups' and chuckles briefly ran across the assembly.
Bryan Longly, who was raised late last year took his turn to stand
up and gave his opinion, "Worshipful Master, I know Brother Wilbon
is an older gentleman and he may just need more time to memorize his
work, but if we let this proficiency slide, I feel like all the work
I did in learning the work last year was a waste of time."
"Well Brothers" said Worshipful Master Taylor, "this was a good
healthy discussion, but the motion is still on the floor and it's
time for a vote. All those in favor of the said motion let it be
known by raising your right hand. Those opposed have the same right"
The heads moved side to side like a tennis match as everyone looked
to see who was voting in favor and against.
"The yeas have it! Motion carried. Brother Secretary dispatch a
letter to Brother Wilbon letting him know when to show up for the
second degree, and I would encourage all dissenters of his
proficiency show up at the lodge hall on Wednesdays to help Brother
Wilbon find ways to help the ritual stick in his head. Brothers not
only critique and criticize, they also aid and assist!
"Do we have any new business to come before the lodge?