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Masonry and the Middle East
There is a profound irony to the relationship between Freemasonry and
the Middle East. No world organization owes more to the region in the
way of its motifs, its symbols, and its rituals. But no organization in
the course of its presence in the Middle East has encountered more
criticism, more disapproval, and more outright government persecution.
Both because of Muslim injunctions against Masonry and because of the
suspicions of Middle Eastern regimes about its political purposes, the
fraternity has had a twilight existence in Arab world. Often the lodges
meet in secret and in fear of their officers being carted off to the
police station. A raid on one lodge in Saudi Arabia is described by a
Mason in graphic detail:
Individually and as a group, the four Masons were subjected over and
over again to a never-ending interrogation concerning theft Masonic
activities. An officer with the rank of major was in charge and
conducted the lengthy, detailed investigation. And all of the materials
seized during the raid on the Masonic Lodge were gathered and pored over
in fine detail. Later on, George Freygang related that the documentation
in possession of the secret police before the infamous raid convinced
him that the Saudi Security had "copies of everything"
(George's own words) that had been generated by many of the Masons,
including a number of phone conversations.(2)
Whatever Masonry may be in Europe or North America, it truly is a
clandestine organization in much of the Arab world, notwithstanding its
public relations efforts elsewhere to achieve a better image.(3) The
present situation of Freemasonry in countries where the majority of the
population are Muslims is precarious, despite long efforts to establish
a Masonic presence:
The first Lodge erected in the Middle East was established by Scotland
at Aden in 1850. This appears to have been followed by a Lodge in
Palestine about 1873. However, most Masonic development was spawned in
this century, beginning with English Lodges located in Iraq shortly
after the First World War. Unfortunately, the lot of the Craft in the
Middle East has not generally been a happy one. Only in Israel has
Masonry flourished, with that country possessing a regular Grand Lodge.
Outside of Israel very few Lodges remain, with the oldest survivor being
a Scottish Lodge in Jordan, dating from 1925. British-warranted Lodges
that formerly existed in Iraq, South Yemen (Aden), and elsewhere on the
Arabian Peninsula have all been extinguished as the result of political
pressure. A few German-warranted Lodges work in Arabia, having been set
up in only very recent years. However, their longer term future must be
uncertain. In Iran, which has lately had a regular Grand Lodge,
Freemasonry has been destroyed, almost literally, and this occurrence
must rate as one of the greatest tragedies in Masonic history. In short,
in view of the turbulent political and religious situation in the Arab
world, it would appear most unlikely that the Craft will expand in the
Middle East in the foreseeable future.(4)
Most Masons would deny that there is any just cause for the animosity or
that Masonry conflicts with religious views.(5) Despite being outlawed
in Saudi Arabia, the lodge leaders there like to think that their
presence is benign. Many conservative Muslims would be much less
charitable. These differing opinions depend partly on interpretation of
symbolism. What Masons take simply as fraternal ritual is -- to some of
the deeply religious, Muslim or Christian -- a parody of their faith. A
Masonic authority comments on the custom of lodges of displaying a
version of the Bible on the lodge altar:
The Bible is not displayed on our altars now and has never been for the
reason that Masons are required to believe its teachings. We know that
there is a very large element of the Craft the world over who do not
believe the teachings of the New Testament. We know that many individual
Masons do not believe portions of the Old Testament. Hence, unless we
are perpetrating a grim mockery, we do not employ the bible as a
profession that we as a Society accept all its teachings and
doctrines...Masonry as an organized society does not and has never
exacted this belief of its members. It can, therefore, have no other
place in our lodges than that of a symbol...It is a symbol of Truth, of
Divine Truth, of all Truth, whether drawn from some book of Revelation
or from the Great Book of Nature.(7)
Although such a view may seem perfectly innocuous to a secularist, to
others it is the height of blasphemy. One critic remarks, "that in
order to sell phoney Chanel No. 5 on Oxford Street, you would make it
look like the real thing. Freemasonry has chaplains, prayers, ceremony,
candles, and all the `trappings' of religion. Because selling phoney
Chanel No. 5 is wrong, so is Freemasonry."(8)
Masonry is prohibited in the Muslim countries of the Middle East partly
because there are aspects of Masonry which, to religious people, verge
on mocking their faith. An example of Masonic ritual which offends some
and which shows the gulf between believers and Masons, is the
resemblance between the assassination and exhumation of the candidate in
the third or Master-Mason degree and religious accounts of resurrection.
Almost nothing can be said to correct the common interpretation of the
third degree that the Mason is saved by Freemasonry, and not by
Recent religious controversies involving Freemasonry, such as the
Southern Baptist Convention's debate over the issue, show that this is a
problem that is not limited to Islam. Aspects of Masonic ritual are
offensive to several religions. These censures come from such differing
groups as Lutherans, Baptists, Mormons, and Eastern Orthodox and are
based on theological objections.
Sometimes Masons feel that blame is being laid on the whole fraternity
which should be applied only to some Masonic bodies, such as the
allegedly atheistic Grand Orient of France. Of course, attributing to
all of Freemasonry the characteristics of one or two bodies is
dangerous. There are as many Masonic groups as there are Protestant
sects. There are considerable differences between countries and
continents. Although the Scottish Rite has been anti-clerical in Latin
America and is very different from other Masonic groups, in the
twentieth century, the Scottish Rite in general has been one of the most
popular Masonic degree systems. In many countries, including Great
Britain, the United States of America, and Canada, it is eminently
respectable and non- political, or at least non-political in a party
sense. That this has not always been the case is evident from a scathing
commentary of more than a century ago:
This Scottish Rite had its origin in the brains and breasts of an
apostate Presbyterian, renegade tyrants, Jews who retained nothing of
Judaism but its hatred of Christ, associated with Jesuits, conspiring
against the liberties of Europe, and for the overthrow of the Government
of France! And its first home in this country was the city of
Nullification, Secession, and Rebellion; in Charleston, South Carolina,
in 1801, where thirteen Jews and three Protestants: Mitchall, Dalcho and
Provost, who had received it from France, falsely pretended to found it
on constitutions given by Frederick the Great. If Satan had picked the
time, the inventors, and home of this Rite he would have doubtless
chosen the same.(9)
The suggestion has been made not once, but repeatedly, that Masonry
offered a more satisfactory spiritual experience for some men than
orthodox religion and enabled them to be religious while asserting their
masculinity. This, in fact, is a major argument of Professor Mark C.
Carnes of Columbia University in his recent (1989) book, Secret Ritual
and Manhood in Victorian America:
The implicit meanings of the symbols suggest that many men were deeply
troubled by the gender bifurcations of Victorian society, which deprived
them of a religious experience with which they could identify and of a
family environment in which they could freely express nurturing and
paternal emotions. The Royal Secret, like all the final degrees, dicted
the assumption that men were innately impure, aggressive, and
unemotional. By affirming that men possess traits socially defined as
female, the symbols conveyed a message express nowhere else...These
ideas and emotions could not be stated publicly. If men had acknowledged
that the orders were an alternative form of religion, of family, and of
social organization, the forces that had crushed Masonry in the 1820s
[the Anti-Masonic hysteria in the United States] might have again
besieged the fraternal movement.(10)
Professor Carnes' attractive argument about the lodges offering a sort
of bootleg emotionism is suggestive of the problems which the religious
of many faiths have with Masonry. Moreover, despite what he proposes
about the feminine content of the ritual, there is no denying that the
lodges in many ways are resolutely masculine institutions: the oaths,
penalties, and dramas which are the core of the degrees are anything but
feminine.(11) Indeed, the exclusion of women could be taken as evidence
that those who joined were as relieved that the feminine side of
religion was being left behind as they were that women were excluded.
The ceremonies were full of references to hardship and violence rather
than to domesticity and family:
Participation in these rituals helped men reconcile the tensions between
their upbringing by their mother and theft identification with their
father's work world, by initiating them, both in actuality and
figuratively, into the adult male environment...Leaving the sanctuary of
the home for the asylum of the lodge, members chose, if only
temporarily, the succor of brotherhood over the comfort of female
So, in trying to understand why Masonry has not advanced in the Middle
East, one need look no further than the problem which also has plagued
it in other regions -- that it appears to outsiders be a surrogate
religion. There is no putting aside the question of Masonry as a
religion, and of the possibility that the lodge offers religious
experiences which men are reluctant to share publicly.
Nevertheless, Masonry has attempted to grow in the Arab world. During
the last half of the nineteenth century, Freemasonry was significant in
the Middle East, particularly in the Ottoman Empire.(13) Moreover, Arab
tradition was embraced in the search for ritualistic legitimacy: one
Masonic authority asserted that the koreish or guardians of the sacred
kaa(c)ba in Mecca were members!(14) The implication was that such a
responsible task was better entrusted to Masons than to Muslims,
although the logic seems fantastic. Understandably such extraordinary
claims did not earn Masonry good will among Muslim faithful. This helps
to explain, though it does not excuse, the treatment the Masons have
received from some Middle Eastern regimes:
As at 1978, the Grand Lodge of Iran possessed forty three Lodges, and
1,035 members. This year was the last time that the Craft in Iran was
heard of in the outside Masonic world. The Islamic Revolution in Iran
saw Freemasonry swept away rapidly, and it would appear that a number of
Masons suffered execution at its hands. Whether these deaths were
occasioned for political or anti-Masonic reasons will probably never be
known, and the fate of many Iranian Masons may equally remain a mystery.
One thing is certain, the Craft in Iran is destroyed. (15)
Ultimately the story of Masonry in the Middle East is a sad one and the
influence the order had with the Arabs is problematical. One Victorian-
era Mason waylaid in the desert was spared by a bedouin about to cut off
his finger to acquire his Masonic ring. Asked if he had given the great
high-sign, he recounted: "I did not. The fellow may have been a
Mason -- there are lodges in Damascus, Aleppo and Baghdad - - but he was
no brother of mine, for though he left me my ring, he took my watch, my
money, my letter of credit and my baggage."(16) Considering the way
in which Masonry used Islamic motifs in a secular way, the aggrieved
traveler was probably lucky to escape with his life.
Notes (1.) The Saudi Gazette in January 1995 carried an anonymous
article under the title "The Curse of Freemasonry" from which
the following is excerpted: "Not enough has been written about
Freemasonry. But one such book is Freemasonry, by Muhammad Safwat
al-Saqqa Amini and Sa(c)di Abu Habib. In this book is contained the
decision of the Islamic Jurisprudence College, which we reproduce
hereunder. The College of Islamic Jurisprudence, in its session convened
at Makkah on 15th July 1978, examined the issue of Freemasonry, of those
affiliated with it and the legal Islamic judgment on it, after adequate
study of this dangerous organization, and the body of literature on it,
inclusive of the College's own published documents, books, and newspaper
and journal articles...It has become evident to the College of Islamic
Jurisprudence the strong relation of Freemasonry to world Zionist Jewry.
Thus it has been able to dominate many officials in the Arab countries
concerning the question of Palestine, and to interfere in the Palestine
question on behalf of the Jews and world Zionism. Therefore, and for the
detailed data on Freemasonry's activity, its considerable danger, its
wicked dressing and its cunning aims, the College of Islamic
Jurisprudence considers Freemasonry one of the most dangerously
destructive organizations to Islam and to Muslims Whoever would
associate himself with it while in knowledge of its true nature and
aims, would be a non believer in Islam and uncounted among its
(2.) James C. Krohn, "The Raid on Red Sea Lodge #919," unpub.
manuscript, c. October 1987, 6.
(3.) E.g. Masonry in Saudi Arabia in supervised by the American Canadian
Grand Lodge: "To support the Masons who were members of forces
occupying Germany after WWII, two Grand Lodges developed. One, in the
British Occupation Zone, became the Grand Lodge of British Freemasons.
The other, in the American-Canadian Occupation Zones, became the
American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL). When the German Lodges returned to
light, three German Grand Lodges emerged. In time, all of the above
joined together (as separate Grand Lodges) to form the United Grand
Lodges of Germany. Although a considerable portion of the Brothers of
the ACGL are still military, due to the American forces stationed in
Germany, the percentage of non-military membership has increased over
time. The ACGL's District 9 is in Saudi Arabia; the membership consists
of non-military expats." E-mail: Date: Fri., 14 Dec 1996 00:04:12-
0500. From: "Gus J. Elhert" To: Paul
(4.) Lee Little, "Freemasonry in the Middle East," unpub.
paper, American Canadian Grand Lodge District 9 Workshop, 9 October
1991, 1.
(5.) "At the very highest level the Catholic church has declared
itself the implacable enemy of Freemasonry. Its official position is
still the one enunciated by Cardinal Ratzinger in 1983: Catholics who
join Masonry `are in a state of grave sin'." Wallace McLeod, Review
of Jason Berry's Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and
Sexual Abuse of Children, The Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Vol. 17 No.12,
Winter 1993, 374-75.
(6.) Languages and dogmas are not, and do not have to be, barriers to
brotherhood. Sad to say, the narrow sectarianism and pious orthodoxy of
religion have been many times in the forefront of those who would
discredit Freemasonry. The voices of fundamentalist clergymen, narrow-
minded bigots, and ill-or mis-informed zealots have been raised in
violent opposition to Freemasonry, but many of the same voices have been
silent in the presence of tyrants and the oppressors of the poor, as we
had occasion to witness only a few short years ago during the Gulf War.
Our Craft Lodges have operated peacefully for many years alongside our
neighbors here in Saudi Arabia and as long as our endure in this part of
the world." Address by Gus J. Elhert. The fore going was presented
during a St. John's Day Celebration hosted by Arabian Lodge #882 in
Saudi Arabia in December 1994. Text supplied by a member of the lodge.
(7.) Oliver D. Street, "Freemasonry in Foreign Lands," Silas
H. Shepherd, et al, eds., Little Masonic Library, Book I, Macoy
Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Richmond (Virginia), 1977 [1924],
(8.) John Lawrence, Freemasonry -- a religion?, Qtd. Christopher
Haffner, Workman Unashamed: The Testimony of a Christian Freemason,
Lewis Masonic, London, 1989, 7.
(9.) J. Blanchard, Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated, Vol. I, Charles T.
Powner, Chicago, reptd. 1979, 29.
(10.) Mark C. Carnes, Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America,
Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1989, 149-150.
(11.) In actual fact, and most spectacularly in the eighteenth century,
if one goes by engravings, Continental opposed to British lodges had
women members from time to time. What we find is that the acceptance of
women into the fraternity required a particular set of circumstances
which had less to do with the social rank of either the men or the women
than it did with the economic situation of the women themselves, as well
as with their willingness to embrace the masonic vision of enlightened
culture In addition, the evidence strongly suggests that the lodges for
men and women laid emphasis on only certain aspects of masonic idealism,
upon virtue in the polity, as distract from its governance. The absence
of language of government within the proceedings of the women's lodges
only reinforces the point that first and foremost the male lodges were
schools of government. Margaret C. Jacob, Living the Enlightenment:
Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Europe, Oxford University
Press, 1991, 124.
(12.) Jeffrey A. Charles, Service Clubs in American Society: Rotary,
Kiwanis, and, Lions, University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago,
1993, 15.
(13.) See Jacques Berque, Egypt: Imperialism and Revolution, Faber &
Faber, 1972, 215, 255. Also Alexander Scholah, Egypt for the Egyptians!
The Socio-political Crisis in Egypt, 1878-1882, Ithaca. Press, 1981,
106-07, 326. Scholah identifies the British Vice Consul in Cairo in
1879, Rafael Borg, as active in Masonic activities. Ibid.
(14.) John Yarker, "Arab Masonry," AQC, Vol. 19, 1906, 243.
See also Haskett Smith,"The Druses of Syria and Their Relation to
Freemasonry, " AQC, Vol. IV, 1891, 7-19. A compulsive need to have
the Arabs endorse the antiquity of freemasonry runs through such
(15.) Little, 4.
(16.) E. Alexander Powell, The Last Home of Mystery, John Long, 1929,
Ethnic NewsWatch � SoftLine Information, Inc., Stamford, CT Masonry and
the Middle East., Domes, 01-31-1997, pp PG.