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3 2/3 Degree Proficiency
    by Antonio O. Caffey {CRM1}

B - Are you still a Master Mason?
C - I am not.
B - What induced you to leave the Lodge?
C - That I may rid myself of responsibility and avoid hard work.
B - Then I presume you don't participate in Lodge activities?
C - No - Not at this time or anytime since I've been raised.
B - What made you join the Lodge?
C - I don't know.
B - How shall I know you to be a 3 & 2/3 Degree Mason?
C - By not coming to meetings, being late with my dues and being willing to not support my Brothers and my Lodge when they need me.
B - Repeat the obligation of a 3 & 2/3 Degree Mason:
C - I (state your name) do solemnly and sincerely swear that due to the responsibilities of this Fraternal Order, I am unwilling to fulfill my obligations of my preceding degrees.

Further, do not write, call, depend on and or count on me or any other Brother of this degree under any circumstance.

To all of which I do promise and swear binding myself under the penalty of being ostracized by my Lodge.