The Wesley Room {Who Are We?}
by The Society

Before undertaking the process of giving birth to any organization, the inceptors must first ask themselves key questions to assess the need for the organization of such a group. The questions would be, Why?; Whom to Serve?; and How to Serve?
It�s well known that in Prince Hall Freemasonry, there are no Masonic Research Lodges, even though there is a deep need for them. There have been attempts in the past and there are still attempts going on today to establish a Masonic Lodge of Research in Prince Hall Freemasonry. The most notable group was the Prince Hall Research Lodge of New York (1943-46), which published its first and only transactions under the name �PHLORONY� in 1943. In Ohio, the desire to charter a Lodge of Research began several years ago, and after years of dancing with the Grand Lodge, this small group of zealous Brothers decided to go another and in all likelihood, a better route, and on September 23 of the year 2000 � The Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society was founded. The aims of this Society is to (1) Foster Masonic Research amongst Prince Hall Freemasons and primarily Prince Hall Masons in Ohio; (2) Educate Freemasons and primarily Prince Hall Freemasons in Ohio about Prince Hall and Universal Freemasonry; and (3) Encourage the �Thought� process within all Freemasons.
Why? In the hundred and fifty one years of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, it has done many a great thing. It stands proudly as the direct Mother of more Prince Hall Grand Lodges than any other Prince Hall Grand Lodge and the Grand and Great Grand Mother to many more. For most of it's history the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio has been a pioneer in Prince Hall Freemasonry, but in those one hundred and fifty one years Masonic Education has taken the back burner. This low prioritizing of Masonic Education is nothing new to Prince Hall Freemasonry, and the effects of such is comparable to a self inflicted genocide. Members of the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society feel if we don�t take the initiative to educate Prince Hall Freemasons in Ohio, who will?
Whom & How to Serve? Prince Hall Freemasonry is already blessed to have the Phylaxis Society and it continues to do a service to the craft with its many programs, projects and internationally read Phylaxis Magazine. The programs and projects of the Dr. Charles H. Wesley Masonic Research Society will be geared towards Prince Hall Freemasons in Ohio, and our quarterly magazine, �The Masonic Voice � the Instructive Tongue of Masonic Thoughts�, will be of interest to all Freemasons who like to �Think�. A Larger Volume Transaction called, �The Masonic Tongue� will be published every two years which will include full-scale lectures from society members. There are three classes of membership into the society, (1) Charter Research Member (Ohio Prince Hall Freemasons); (2) Associate Research Members (Regular Freemasons); and (3) Affiliate Member (Magazine Subscriber). Research and Associate Membership is by invitation only. Research Members must produce one short talk every two years and one research project every five years. Associate Research Members are asked to contribute one short talk every two years. Affiliate Members have no literary contribution requirement. Each year the Society will have one or more research disciplines. In 2001 our discipline will be research dealing with the Past, Present and Future of the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. The �Masonic Voice� will run a series of articles in 2001 called, �Taking Stock of Prince Hall Freemasonry in Ohio� dealing with this focus.
Dr. Charles Harris Wesley (1891-1987) � A profound man of his time, is who this Society was named after. Born on December 2nd of 1891 in Louisville, Kentucky (USA), Wesley earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Fisk University in 1911 and his Masters of Arts in Economics from Yale University in 1913. In addition to being an educator, Wesley was an African Methodist Episcopal Preacher and Elder until 1937. President to two Historically Black Universities in Wilberforce, Ohio, two national Fraternities, President and later Executive Director of the Association of Negro Life, author of eighteen books and numerous other positions and honors � He is most remembered by Prince Hall Freemasons in Ohio as Brother Charles H. Wesley of Hiram Lodge #4, under the jurisdiction of the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia and author of �Prince Hall: Life and Legacy� and �History of the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio (1849-1971) �.
Revised version from the Original Published in the July 2000 HARASHIM.


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