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(Tune of "This Girl's In Love with You" by Dionne Warwick)

Our day will come, when we're to say good-bye
Although we'll miss dear ol' Sumner High.
We'll look back and recall
Awards and all the luck we brought
Upon our alumni, which will be Sumner High.

Sophomores we came, as Juniors we went on.
Seniors we are, life on our own is now not long.
We'll look back, and we will see
What Sumner really meant to me
Our hands are shaking, our hearts are really breaking,
Cause ---


We'll miss you so, we'll always know
No other could be what Sumner meant to me.
So bye -- good-bye.
Our day has come when we're to say good-bye,
Although we'll miss dear ol' Sumner High.

We'll look back and we will see
What Sumner really meant to me.
Our hands are shaking
Our hearts are really breaking.

We'll miss you so, we'll always know
No other could be
What Sumner meant to me,
So bye, good-bye.

"The worst killer in the world...is ignorance. With all the success I've had, I've been broke four times because of ignorance...There's nothing can take the place of knowledge."
--James Brown, legendary Godfather of Soul--