Several times I have been asked why, an “Inner Faith Christian.

Here I will try to explain my travels from a “Baptist Christian”, to an “Inner Faith Christian”.

As a Christian, I was told to learn the following lessons:

Let us start with the Holy Bible, which is given us as the rule and guide for our faith and practice.

In the Holy Bible are found those simple teachings of the universality of brotherhood, the love of God for His children, and the hope of immortality of the soul. These are the teachings of Christianity in every tongue, in every land, for those of every faith.

The Covering of an Inner Faith Christian is no less than the clouded canopy, or starry-decked heaven, where all good Christians hope at last to arrive by aid of that ladder which Jacob in his vision saw extended from earth to heaven, the principal rounds of which are denominated Faith, Hope and Charity, which admonish us to have Faith in God, Hope In immortality, and Charity to all Mankind. The greatest of these is Charity; for our Faith may be lost in sight, Hope ends in fruit ion, but Charity extends beyond the grave, through the boundless realms of eternity.

Faith is the foundation of justice, the bond of amity, and the chief support of society. We live by Faith; we walk by Faith; by Faith we have a continual hope in the acknowledgment of a Supreme Being; by Faith we are justified, accepted and finally saved.

Hope is the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and enters into that within the veil: let a firm reliance on the Almighty's faithfulness animate our endeavors, and teach us to fix our Hopes within the limits of his promises. p>> Charity is the brightest gem that can adorn our Christian profession. Happy is the person who has sowed in their breast the seeds of benevolence; the produce thereof is love and peace. The objects of true charity among Christians are merit and virtue in distress; persons who are incapable of extricating themselves from misfortunes in their journey through life; industrious people who, from unavoidable accidents, have fallen into ruin; Widows left destitute by lack of husbands' support; orphans in tender years, needing a father's care; and the aged, whose strength is exhausted, and who are thereby rendered unable to procure for themselves that substance necessary to nourish their declining years. This is Charity the keystone of our Christian institution.

The Holy Bible is laid before them, that they may not say through ignorance they erred. Whatever God of the world hath dictated to mankind, as to the path in which to tread, and as to the mode in which He would be served, is upright and just, and will obtain His approbation; whatever precepts He hath administered, and with whatever laws He hath inspired the sages of old.

The conduct we should pursue in society; to observe punctuality in all our engagements; faithfully and religiously to discharge those important obligations which we owe to God and to our neighbor; to be upright in all our dealings; to keep within bounds those unruly passions which often oftentimes interfere with the enjoyment of society and degrade mankind.

We are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; of that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous education, our own endeavors and the blessing of Deity; and as the operative workman erects his temporal building in accordance with the designs laid down upon the Trestle-board by the master workman, so should we. Endeavor to erect our spiritual building in accordance with the designs laid down by God in the Holy Bible, which is our spiritual and moral trestle board.

The principal tenets of our profession are threefold, including the inculcation and practice of those truly commendable virtues, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human race as one family--the high, the low, the rich, the poor--who, being created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, ought to aid, support and protect each other. On this principle Christianity unites people of every country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.

To Relieve the Distressed is a duty incumbent on all people, but particularly on Christians, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection? To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with them in their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries, and to restore peace to their troubled minds is the great aim we have in view. On this basis we form our friendships and establish our connections.

Truth is a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. To be good people and true is the first lesson we are taught in Christianity. On this theme we contemplate, and by its dictates endeavor to regulate our conduct. Hence, while influenced by this principle, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us, sincerity and plain-dealing distinguish us, and the heart and the tongue join in promoting each other's welfare and rejoicing in each other's prosperity.

Temperance is that due restraint upon our affections and passions which renders the body tame and governable, and frees the mind from the allurements of vice. This virtue should be your constant practice, as you are thereby taught to avoid excess or contracting any licentious or vicious habits.

Justice is that standard or boundary of right, which enables us to render to every person his just due without distinction. This virtue is not only consistent with divine and human laws, but it is the very cement and support of civil society; and as justice in a great measure constitutes the really good man, so should it be your Invariable practice never to deviate from the minutest principles thereof.

To walk uprightly in our several stations before God and mankind, squaring our actions by the square of virtue, and remembering that we are traveling upon the Level of Time to that undiscovered country from whose borne no traveler returns.

We should live by the rules of the God we profess to believe in. We should obey the laws of the Country in which we live. And lastly walk upright and proud, because we should be living the best life we can, no matter what our position in society is.

No mater what level our walk in life is, all men are bought to the same level in death. All people have three things in common:

1. All people are born of a woman
2. All people live for a while
3. All people will die

To me that every seed I sow to help somebody will grow into something good. I must point out here that the good does not always come back to the person who sows it, but it is good anyway.

If when this body is planted, if it is planted in goodness, I believe God will raise it up in goodness.

Everything God has given to mankind is natural. It is left up to mankind, if they want to use it for good or evil. All the wisdom in the world is useless without the power to use it. Like a book full of wisdom does not have the power to open itself, so it is useless by itself.

Power is like a loaded gun is neutral until it is used. Used wisely it can be used for good; to get food to eat, to keep peace, to protect what is yours.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. St. John 1:1

The Pot Of Incense Symbolizes mankind, the pot being the physical body, the Incense being the mind of mankind, and when they are lit, the heat given off being the spirit of mankind as given to him by God.

The Anchor is an emblem of Jesus Christ who gave his life to ensure us a safe harbor to find rest in. The Ark is an emblem of God, that divine ark that carries us through a lifetime of trials and tribulations, and finally to our Heavenly home.

Like the hour glass, when the first grain of sand falls it is a fact that the last grain of sand will fall too. When mankind is born it is a fact that they will also die. The difference being that mankind has control over how he lives his life and the sand only falls down.

1. A person who fails, in their duties to God, fails mankind and themselves

2. While you live, you should work to secure for all people their rights and voice in their government.

3. You must labor to enlighten and teach mankind.

4. To teach the people their power and their rights.

5. To let the enemies of mankind be your enemies.

6. Come to no terms with them, but complete surrender of their ways.

Now the one thing that changed my life was, I was informed that it was not enough to just know or just understand the lessons of Christianity, I had to live the lessons of Christianity.

Believing this I feel that I will be “An Inner Faith Christian” my whole life. When the time comes to return this physical body back to the ground from wince it came.

The spirit that lived in this body will be returned to God as an “Inner Faith Christian: and then at the feet of God, the labors of my spirit will be judged by God.

Then and only then, if God finds the work of my spirit as “true work, good work”, will God raise my spirit from a dead level to a living perpendicular?

In this belief, I will live my life as “An Inner Faith Christian” always trying to subdue my passions and learning to improve myself in Christianity.

Rev. Byron E. Hams, DD
Hariam’s Esoteric Ministry

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